Mental Health Awareness
Mental health issues are a topic that is often overlooked by the general public, but they have the ability to affect millions of people worldwide. In 2016, an estimated 1 in 5 people worldwide suffered from a mental health condition. This number has risen dramatically since World War II when only 1 percent of Americans suffered from some form of mental illness compared to 3 percent today. Mental Health Awareness Day is observed each year on October 11th and is part of National Depression Screening Day which occurs every November 20th (National Institute on Drug Abuse).
You can take care of yourself if you treat your mind with the same kindness that you’d like to be shown by others.
Mental health awareness starts with yourself. You can take care of yourself if you treat your mind with the same kindness that you’d like to be shown by others. When someone is nice to you, it’s because they want something from you in return—they want your friendship or help with their problems. But when someone treats your thoughts like strangers and says “I don’t know what goes on in here,” it means that they don’t think those thoughts deserve any more attention than anyone else’s do.
If someone is acting rudely towards us, we needn’t wait until our feelings are hurt before we respond appropriately; rather than being passive-aggressive or angry over perceived slights (which only make things worse), focus on how much better off everyone would be if everyone treated each other as equals instead of taking sides based on personality quirks and superficial differences in temperament between individuals who share common goals: love and friendship!
The Coddiewomple Company and Coddiewomple Fund are dedicated to providing relief for those who need it most, the revenue from our shop goes to support the nonprofit funding delivering this assistance.